4 Tips For Effective Radio Advertising

Believe it or not, the commercials that you hear on the radio are often times dissected, re-worked, re-arranged, re-worded and re-voiced several times before finally becoming the finished product that you hear every single day. Yes, there is a method to the madness of creating a quality radio commercial production.

ontheairBut what is it?

The method really changes from commercial to commercial, but one thing always remains the same. Relate to the person listening to the commercial. One way or another, that message and offer needs to strike a cord with the target listener if its going to be effective.

Here are some tips to make your radio advertising campaign effective.

  • Don’t over think it. People are passively listening to your message, make it clear and make it good. Putting 10 restrictions on something will lose the target quicker than you can say “call now”.
  • Keep the offer good. Don’t skimp and offer 10% off something – make something FREE when they come in or call. I’m not telling you to go broke, but the better the offer the better chance you will have for that potential new customer knocking on your door wanting to get you what you offer.
  • Advertise on a station your customers listen to, it may not be the “highest rated in the market”. It might not be your “favorite station” either. Ratings and demographics exist for a reason: to tell you who is listening to what.
  • Look for frequency. It comes in many forms: Being on the air at the exact same time every day, or having enough message spread out over a set time frame. Frequency will be the key to your success.
  • Don’t rely on bargain basement radio commercial production. If your commercial was created for “Free” or next to nothing or “thrown in”, chances are it will not be of the best quality. Spring for an outside production service to create your message. Having an effective commercial that stands out from day on will save you money in the long run and likely bring in more business.

Now that you know some of the inside things to look out for and be aware of when you venture into the world of radio advertising you will be better equipped to come away from radio commercial production with positive things to say and more money in your pockets. Radio can be an incredibly effective medium when used correctly.


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How To Make Your Radio Advertising Message Effective

Nothing drives a focused person like myself more crazy than an unfocused person who has no idea what is best for themselves.

radios007You know what I’m talking about. The type of person who has all the information laid out in front of them, they are one step away from making the right decision and yet, they still can’t decide or just make bad choices time after time. I have a person in my life who is like this…

Granted, that person is a 5 year old girl… It still drives me crazy.

“I want that piece of the pizza”, she will say as she grabs the largest slice of the pie and puts it on her plate. Thirty minutes later, two bites have been taken out of it and she is “full”, yet wants to take a second slice and eat the very same type of pizza off other peoples plates.

You have to say “no” and show her why that type of choice is wrong, time and time again until it registers in her little brain. That’s what being a parent is all about though. Continued, repeated guidance and repetition to help the little one fully understand what type of decision they are making and what would be most beneficial for them. After some time and accurate guidance, most children will begin to be able to make good choices.

As a parent you breath a huge sigh of relief, and then move onto the next behavioral flaw you want to improve with the ones you are charged with preparing for the world. Does this process remind you of anything that goes on in your business?

Essentially what you are doing is “marketing” good choices to your children. You show them why it would be best to do what you want them to do and eventually they do it. Key-word, EVENTUALLY… Quite often they don’t take your advice the first time it is presented.

Neither do new customers.

When you are advertising or marketing your own products or services, you know better than anyone what an obvious choice it “should be” for select customers. The people who are hearing your message may not pick up on the obvious so quickly though. That is why mediums like radio and TV act as the “parent” and continue to repeat and re-enforce the message you want to communicate.

Just as you try to keep your message to your children clear and to the point, the message you put out on radio and TV should be on target and clearly show your the potential customer why your offering is the best solution to their problem. Do this time and time again, and you will very quickly find yourself in the company of well behaved children… or… customers. That how it should work “most of the time” anyway.


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