Funny Radio Commercials That Work

Not everyone is going to laugh. That is the first thing you need to remember when creating a funny radio commercial for your business.

This is fine, because chances are – not everyone has a use for what you offer to begin with. The goal of a funny radio commercial is to grab the consumers attention and make them remember your message. It doesn’t need to be drop out of your chair hilarious to be effective. It simply needs to make the consumer crack a smile and take action!

We recently started working on funny radio commercials for a furniture store. They wanted something that would stand out from the pack of “buy this weekend”, “biggest sale of the year”, “sofa event” bla, bla bla that was bombarding the airwaves.

We came up with a character that represented the worst of the worst when it came to furniture store spokes people. Something almost anyone who has ever watched TV or heard a bad furniture store ad.  A self-absorbed personality that could be set in various situations around the store and engage in strange yet funny activities – all while talking about what was going on in the store.

The result, was a memorable series of radio ads that got people talking… and shopping at the store.

If you would like us to help you develop a series of funny radio commercials for your business, simply fill out the form below and one of our expert radio commercial creators will contact you right away to discuss ideas!

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How To Make A Funny Radio Commercial

Are you wanting something more out of your radio commercials? Are you wishing your radio commercials involved something more than a random DJ reading a script over music? How about adding some humor to your radio ads! If you are wondering how to make a funny radio commercial, we may be able to help.

The first thing you want to do is hire someone who knows how to be concise and to the point with humor. If humor is not your forte’, the its best that you sit this one out and trust the professionals (such as our script writing team). When you only have 30 seconds to get a message across with humor, both have to be fast and to the point if its going to be an effective commercial.

Starting a commercial off with a funny line or concept is a good way to grab people out of the gate. In the audio example below, we make the commercial stand out by using a crazy idea: “Child Labor being so last year”. As if, it had ever been in vogue.

We present the idea: putting a logo on a wall.

We offer a crazy idea to get the consumer to laugh: Have you child do it… wait… child labor is so last year.

We present the solution: The graphic store that can put it on wall paper.

The consumer is brought in through a concept that they may be wanting a solution to, the given a laugh and presented with a great option.

The whole commercial is not packed with jokes, its quick – to the point and compelling.

The equation is this: Problem + Humor + Solution = effective radio ad.

If we can help you create a funny radio ad for your business, simply fill out the form below and one of our expert ad creation specialists will contact you right away!

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Do Funny Radio Commercials Work?

Can humor be effective in a radio commercial? Yes. Can humor also be detrimental in a radio commercial? Yes.

It’s all about how it’s designed.

Right now, I can think of 10 radio commercials that made me laugh, yet did not make me remember the brand they were advertising. Nor did they make me take any sort of action (other than laughing). As a marketing director or businessperson, your goal is likely one that falls beyond simply making a consumer chuckle. So how exactly do you incorporate humor into a radio commercial and still get a message across?

Bridge the gap between humor and emotional connection.

Often times what I like to do when creating a funny radio commercial is to begin with humor as an attention getting method; then transition into a strong offer for a product or service. The transition needs to be smooth and to the point.

funny radio commercials

More often than not I hear commercials that use very entertaining humor, but then lose me immediately after the joke and never get me back to actually grasp what that commercial wants me to do or who it is for. The bridge between the humor and the actionable request to the listener needs to be very short and to the point.

Sometimes a commercial can even interject small nuggets of humor throughout an otherwise informative or somewhat serious script. This is a tactic I often use when there are a lot of important points that need to be made in a limited amount of time. The humor is used to help keep the listener’s attention through what would otherwise be a sixty second sales pitch.

If you’re looking for a funny radio commercial for your business, feel free to give me a call or drop me an e-mail. I’d love to discuss concepts and ideas that could help make your radio ads more effective and funny at the same time.

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