National Radio Advertising Rates

If you find yourself researching the costs of advertising on the radio nationally, you may end up with a massive headache and more questions than answers. The internet is loaded with various opinions and incorrect information on the topic of national radio commercials. What is the real story on national radio advertising rates?

national radio advertisingThere is an option out there for almost any realistic budget.

You just have to understand what your options are.

When people think “national radio advertising”, they tend to assume that the main and only options are high-priced outlets like Rush Limbaugh or Glen Beck. These are solid options if your target customer is a conservative male age 35-64 with a mid to high level of income AND you can afford to spend more than ten thousand dollars per thirty-second commercial. They are not the ONLY options though. Far from it, in fact.

The price point per airing on shows like this are simply not approachable for most small, medium or even large business.

What are the other options?

Take your pick!

There are hundreds of other shows that reach national audiences on AM, FM or Satellite Radio ever single week. While they may not have quite as many listeners as the big dogs of talk radio, they still command millions or hundreds of thousands of listeners every single week. Nothing to put your nose up at. Plus they often have radio ad rates that are dramatically lower than their more popular counterparts. Rates as low as the $100 to $800 per airing range depending on the show and its reach.

With a realistic starting budget of 8k to 10k per month, you can consistently reach a national audience with your message to grow your brand. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you need millions of dollars to get a message to a national audience.

If you would like to know more about the options available for national radio advertising, give us a call or email us through the link below.


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National Radio Advertising 101

A national radio advertising campaign can be incredibly effective and profitable. It can also be incredibly costly if one doesn’t know the options available to them or how to use them effectively.  With all things in marketing, it comes down to your budget. What you can afford to do, will determine the best route to take your national radio advertising campaign.

How do the price brackets break down when it comes to national radio advertising? Lets take a look – from lowest priced options to highest price.

mapLike it or not, a national radio advertising campaign is going to cost more than paying interns to run through the streets with mega phones. One of the lowest priced options out there (and sometimes most effective) is satellite radio advertising on SiriusXM Satellite Radio. Starting plans on this medium are in the 5k – 20k range depending on the stations you want to air your message on and how frequently your message airs. Satellite radio offers a wide range of very targeted programs for virtually every demographic and very competitive rates. Some stations can be as low as $35 per airing, while others will go above the $200+ mark  based on the size of the audience and demand.

If you need to reach a national audience and are on a budget, my first suggestion is almost always satellite radio. If you would like to explore these options be sure to give me a call. The number is listed on the top of this page.

If you have a higher budget to work with and want to reach a national audience via radio, the next logical choice would be to explore syndicated shows. There are several tiers when it comes to syndicated radio.

You have your smaller syndicated shows that air on 2 – 20 stations and have price per airing in the $200 – $400 range. Then you have medium-sized shows carried on 21 – 60 stations, prices on these shows range in the $200 – $700 depending on the show. Then you have large and major shows (Rush, Hannity, etc). Rates on shows with audiences this large very quite a bit and can be anywhere from 1k – 10k per airing. Typically the more affiliates a show has, and the type of stations those shows are carried on will be reflected in price.

If you would like to explore a campaign like this, click “contact us”, and let me know. I would be happy to get you some numbers to review.

Keep in mind all syndicated talk is not political. There are several “lifestyle” or “music” shows out there that offer very competitive rates and are always searching for advertisers. Rates vary based on demand.


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